Higher Technical Professional Course

Accounting and Management

Higher School of Technology and Management


Inês de Jesus Rodrigues Gonçalves

Relevant Areas

Qualification in the relevant area(s) for this course (Article 40-F of Decree-Law n.º 65/2018), must be demonstrated with the approval in the following subject, attested in the certificate of secondary education or legally equivalent qualification:

  • Economics or
  • Mathematics or
  • Portuguese

DGES Registry

Course registered at the General Directorate of Higher Education with the number R/Cr 376/2015

Area of Education and Training 

345 - Management and Administration 

Publication in the Official Gazette

Notice  nº 10221/2017 - 2nd series, n.º 171, of 5 September.

Study Program Evaluation 

This Higher Technical Professional Course is a vocational training course taught as part of polytechnic higher education and lasts 4 semesters, corresponding to 120 ECTS. The course is organizado em formação geral e científica, formação técnica e formação em contexto de trabalho (estágio), sendo atribuído a cada aluno um Diploma Profissional Técnico Superior de nível 5 do Quadro Europeu de Qualificações para a Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida.

Professional profile 

The Higher Technical Professional Course in Accounting and Management aims to train professionals who are able to coordinate, supervise and execute accounting and financial operations, and to design, plan, innovate, otimizar e implementar estratégias empresariais de suporte para aprimorar a administração, gestão e constituição de empresas com ética e responsabilidade social.

Professional opportunities 

Accounting technical staff, internal auditors, consultants and advisers; mid-level management, administration and finance staff at public and private companies and NGOs; mid-level staff at financial and insurance institutions; business people/entrepreneurs, financial analysis; continuing with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting (with the recognition of credits), allows graduates access to the profession of chartered accountant (provided that the requirements imposed by the Portuguese Chartered Accountants Association – OCC – are met).

Entry requirements (one of the following) 

  • Having completed a secondary education course qualification or a legally equivalent qualification. 
  • Having passed the special exams for assessing capacity to attend higher education for people over 23 (Decree-Law no. 64/2006 of 21 March). 
  • Holding a technological diploma de especialização , diploma profissional técnico superior ou qualificação de nível superior.

Pursuit of further studies - Bachelor's degrees

 In case of pursuit of further studies, the credits acquired in the scope of the short-cycles can be transferred as follows:

The application by holders of Higher Technical Professional Diplomas to attend IPMAIA Bachelor’s degrees is subject to the conditions established by the institution body that is competent to do so in accordance with the law and the statutes. Depending on the Higher Technical Professional Course and Bachelor’s degree, these conditions may establish the need to pass a specific IPMAIA admission exam, or allow the exemption to perform such an exam.
a) Students who intend to apply for an IPMAIA Bachelor’s degree course and must sit the specific admission exam will receive suitable preparation during the teaching of the Higher Technical Professional Course.